Our Expert Answers

What was the motivation for starting Studio 5:13

In 2023, we reached a critical juncture where entertainment content for young minds is often laced with harmful and dangerous themes, threatening the future of our societies.

Moreover, the disconnection between young Africans and their ancestral heritage has resulted in a generation struggling to understand their roots and identity.

What's the origin of the name "studio 5:13"

The name "studio 5:13" originates from Matthew 5:13 which reads "Ye are the salt of the earth". This means that we are a blessing to the world as part of fulfilling God's kingdom mandate on earth.

What should I expect after the launch?

  • The release of the Jimmy Badru series (episode 1), our books and one comic art project.
  • More community sessions and a boot camp to equip more creatives

Why did the team start the studio?

We started as a small group of individuals who shared a common belief in creating a solution to the moral decadence in content entertainment across the world, particularly in animations, illustrations, comic art, content writing, and voice acting.

However, we noticed that the scarcity of creatives possessing the necessary skillset is a significant challenge. As a result, we have decided to undertake community sessions and training programs. Our goal is to ensure that this generation upholds godly content standards while also preparing the future generation for the same.

More Questions

Is Studio 5:13 open to all creative disciplines?

Yes, Studio 5:13 welcomes creatives from all disciplines including animators, illustrators, comic artists, voice actors, script and content writers. Our goal is to create a diverse and vibrant community of creators.

How can I stay updated on events and news related to Studio 5:13?

You can subscribe to our website or follow us on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

How can I get involved with Studio 5:13 as a partner or sponsor?

We welcome partnerships and sponsorships from organizations and businesses that align with our mission. Please reach out to us via email at thefive13studio@gmail.com to discuss potential collaborations.